Mariam Eatedali

Director, Washington D.C.

Edelman Global Advisory recently caught up with Mariam Eatedali on her professional experience, what excites her most about his work at EGA, and advice she'd give to her younger self. See our interview below and keep up with Mariam on LinkedIn

EGA: What excites you most about your role at EGA?

ME: The knowledge. No matter where you are in your career, it is rare to be surrounded by the real-life experiences and incredible understanding of global policy and landscapes that we have here at EGA. The answer can always be found with our colleagues, and we are all the more knowledgeable to our clients because of it. You can never know too much. 

EGA: What would you say is your personal area of expertise?

ME: I am passionate about health policy and have worked with clients in that space from the start of my career. Since joining EGA, I have been able to take that experience and assist globally with our clients. Though I would also add that you could throw me in front of any crowd, and we can make the discussion work—it’s all about being thoughtfully engaged to your audience.  

EGA: If you could give yourself one piece of advice at the start of your career, what would it be?

ME: To listen diligently. Your teammates, mentors, and leadership say things from their experience as well, and as I mentioned before, there is a wealth of knowledge there. Growth as a person and in your career does not always happen in one clear direction —we grow when we learn from those we respect. From there, you start your own path. 

EGA: What past work project or accomplishment are you the proudest of and why?

ME: Earlier in my government relations career, we succeeded in a decades-long effort to secure key provisions in the US Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund Clarification Act. It affected the lives of many families, and I was so proud to be on that team at a young age. It was motivation for my career unlike any other.

EGA: What would you do if you weren’t doing this?

ME: I have always joked that you’d see me as a museum curator—it would be a dream to be surrounded by history all day, and to protect how the world sees that history. 

EGA: If you could invite 3 people (living or dead) to a dinner party, who would you choose and why?

ME: My father, my mother, and my brother. A chance to relive our childhoods—growing up happens in the blink of an eye.  

EGA: How do you like to spend your time outside of work? Do you have any special hobbies or interests?

ME: Luckily for me, I grew up right outside DC in Northern Virginia. I spend a lot of time with my family, especially meeting up with my mom at my grandparents’ house. My fiancé is also quite a cook, so I spend happy weekends as a sous-chef. You’ll usually find me hosting loved ones and video calling with my toddler niece who will take the world by storm one day, trust me.

About Mariam Eatedali

Mariam Eatedali is a director at Edelman Global Advisory where she helps ​Mariam Eatedaliclients navigate the intersection of public affairs, policy, and corporate strategy. She has deep expertise in political and legislative affairs as well as the health and financial services sectors.

Prior to EGA, Ms. Eatedali led corporate communications efforts and stakeholder relations at APCO Worldwide, where she played a pivotal role in strategic messaging and establishing foundations for DEI & ESG initiatives. She also served as a registered federal lobbyist and associate at McGuireWoods Consulting’s federal affairs practice in Washington D.C., where she provided counsel to clients across diverse industries such as healthcare, energy, and technology. Previously, she worked on Capitol Hill as a fellow for the Former Members of Congress (FMC), collaborating with former House Representatives and Senators to address economic and diplomatic concerns.​

Ms. Eatedali is currently pursuing an MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business in its Executive program. ​